
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Personality Tests and Activities

Take a few minutes to look over the options linked below. Choose one or two different personality related tests to take. When you finish, 1) describe the tests that you took and explain your thoughts on the experience. (Was it fun, interesting, useless, accurate, way off base, etc.?)  2) Give your opinion about the reliability and validity of the tests you chose to take.  Respond by using the comment feature below (post anonymously and use only your first name and class period to identify yourself).

Most of these tests are based on the "Big Five" personality traits (OCEAN)

Harry Potter Sorting Hat Quiz

The Big Five (Traits) Personality Test

Shyness Test

Find Your Star Wars Twin

Another Big Five Test (This One is Prettier)

These test are based on the Myer's Briggs Personality Types. Choose one of these to take:

Personality Test Based on Briggs Myer personality types

Longer Briggs Myer personality test

If you are completing this exercise in class, take your time with the tests.  You should only visit the sites linked in this post while completing this assignment.  After completing this assignment, you should understand the personality types discussed in class a little better.  Please take as much time as you need to explore the sites, but do leave yourself about 10 minutes to create your written responses.  Remember that for the most part, these tests are for entertainment purposes so be careful about trusting the results.

Once you have taken a few of the tests above and responded, explore this website: , and then take the test offered by the same organization here: (you may need to scroll to the bottom and select the option to retake the quiz if has already been taken on your computer)

This isn't a test, but it gives an interesting take on the Myer's Briggs Personality types.

Star Wars and Harry Potter infographics on Personality types

The BBC has a number of Psychology related quizzes on their site. If you have enough time, take the quiz titled "Spot the Fake Smile". If you finish, find one or two other quizzes that interest you.


  1. Lauren, Period 8
    I took the Big Five Mini Test, and it asked to rate each adjective from 1-9 in which they applied to me. It was very interesting and fun to take since I enjoy taking personality tests. The questions were also very thorough and my results were pretty accurate. I think the test is fairly reliable and valid. Unless you make drastic changes in the ratings, the results should be consistent each time you take it and be in similar ranges for each category. It also measures your personality based on the five traits so I would say the test is valid.

  2. I did the "how unique are you" test and the "Personality Test Based on Briggs Myer personality types" test. The first test I took seemed much more useless than the second one because there was no logic behind it at all. The second one was more accurate and probably more reliable as well because of the number of questions and the wide range of topics that were covered. The first test was not too valid because the response barley connects with what the test was supposed to be for. The second one was valid because the results were pretty accurate and true to myself, with much more logic included behind it all. -Susie P2

  3. Belle pd 6
    I took the "Big 5 Project Personality Test". I personally really enjoy these sorts of things whether they are actually logical or not. This particular one seemed to be very legitimate in to comparison to some of the others I have taken in the past. The test consisted of a 5 point rating scale of strongly disagree to strongly agree and a portion asking for background. I personally believe this test was both reliable and valid. If a person were to take this test multiple times answering honestly it would yield a consistent result with a possibility of some slight variation. Validity wise, I believe it is measuring exactly what it is intending to. The questions seemed to be directly related to the big 5 categories and it also took into account other factors such as where you live and how old you are.

  4. Elinor, Period 8
    The Big Five Mini Test was fun to take and was not too far off base. It was pretty reliable because if someone were to take it multiple times, the results would not vary greatly. However, the validity is questionable because the adjectives it used were open to interpretation and not very specific.
    The Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test seemed to be surprisingly accurate. I got ENFJ, and after some research, the qualities it described fit me pretty well. Although the answers were rather broad, as tends to be the case with personality tests, I was still impressed by their accuracy. This test was reliable, as it would likely yield consistent results. I think it is more valid than the first one I took because the questions are more specific and better judge the person taking it by using everyday situations instead of adjectives.

  5. Loring, period 8
    I took the "How Unique Are You?" test. I think this test is reliable because if someone were to take it multiple times giving honest answers they would get the same result. I don't think is very valid because the questions were not very specific. Uniqueness depends on the people you spend time with. Someone may be very unique in one place, but may seem like everyone else in another place. I wouldn't really agree with my results because it said my uniqueness was only slightly above average. Also I didn't really like how the scales were only 1-5.
    I also took the "Big Five Personality Test." I like how this test has multiple parts to it ans assesses different areas of personality. This test to reliable because it would give consistent results aw well. I think this test is fairly valid. You could from numbers 1 to 9, which can make your answers more accurate. I think it measures what it's supposed to measure because you rate yourself and it organizes that data. I think this test was very easy to take.

  6. Karen, Period 6
    I took the "Personality Test Based on Briggs Myer personality types" I thought this was a fun and fairly easy test to take, although some of the questions could have been worded better and made easier to understand. I would say that this test is highly reliable, because I took it before a couple months ago and got the exact same result I did taking it this time. However, it's validity is highly questionable. A lot of the questions seemed very similar and to be based mostly on the introvert vs extrovert variable, and not nearly as much on the other variables that went into determining your personality type. I thought the results were fairly accurate, except it said that my personality type saw life through "rose-colored glasses" and I did not necessarily agree with that. The test did not really ask any questions about optimism vs pessimism so I was kind of confused on how they acquired that result. However, it was a fun test to take even if it wasn't fully valid.

  7. Luke, Period 6
    I took the star wars test and it was alright i guess. It said i was a an astromech droid and I don't know how that works. It was interesting though because they got some things right. This test is reliable since it gives consistent answers but I don't know how valid it'd be since it's comparing people to fictional characters. It was still cool since it was star wars though.

  8. Josephine, Period 7
    I took the Personality Test Based on Briggs Myer personality types and I found it to be a pretty straightforward test that asks about how you would respond in vague scenarios and agree or disagree if you act in that particular way. I think i can understand why this test is so popular, because it gives you positive feedback on your personality that you would probably closely relate to and a guide for a lifestyle that would best fit that particular type (similar to how story lines in books and movies would place a population in specific groups based on their personality). I thought that the test was reliable as it would probably give the same results is I took it a couple weeks or months later. Nonetheless, like every other Myer Briggs Test, thought that the test was not valid as it does not "measure" the person's personality, it just put them under a category where they best fit based on their answers.

